Meeting Minutes 2022 to 2023

December 2023 - Meeting Minutes

Held On Thursday 7th December 2023

At the Parish Hall, Park Lane, Thrybergh (6.30pm start)

Present: - Councillors G Trickett (Chair), A Martin, J Parsons, T Knapton, J Chambers, M Senior, N Jackson & R Thomas

There were no members of the public.

156/23.  Apologies For Absence.

Apologies were received from Councillor D Bates & B Shaw.

157/23. Approval of Reason Given for Absence.

Mover: Councillor A Martin                                        

Seconder: Councillor M Senior

Resolved: That the councillor’s apologies be accepted by the Parish Council.

158/23. Declaration Of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

159/23. Questions From The Public.

There were no questions from the public.

160/23. Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 5th October 2023.

Mover: Councillor J Chambers                                   

Seconder: Councillor A Martin

Resolved: That the minutes of the previous meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council held on Thursday 2nd November be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

161/23. Matters Arising from Previous Meetings of the Parish Council.

The following matters arising were discussed:-

394/22 - The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III Coronation – The clerk advised that the company making the plaque for the tree has now changed hands and will no longer be making the plaque for the Parish Council. The clerk will find a new supplier and inform the Council when new details have been agreed.

121/23. HSBC Bank –Discussions continue relating to the changes to the Parish council account which are protracted especially so due to the run-down of the Rotherham branch and the clerk will update on progress in January

113/23. Remembrance Sunday Service at the Parish Hall on Sunday 12th November -The service was deemed a great success by the parish council and the chair thanked all who decorated the hall and helped on the day. Approx 70 people attended the service in the hall with around 100 outside the Cenotaph. The clerk had placed 60 poppies around Thrybergh although some have disappeared and it is not known if they have been stolen or removed as an act of vandalism, however, the Parish Councill will put poppies up again next year. The chair and clerk thanked Revd Helen Taylor a for taking the service and the organist who led the singing and special praise to the local schools for writing personal messages on the poppies which had been provided by the Parish Council and the very special poppy of schoolchildren's hands made by pupils from Thrybergh Primary.

114/23. Event to Commemorate the Cenotaph Centenary Friday 15th December 2023 - Everything is now in place with the hall open 7pm with the Cenotaph service at 7:30pm. There will be a short welcome and introduction in the hall from the chair and John Healey MP and the service will be led by Revd Helen Terry and Fr Des Sexton with music from Maltby brass band. Hot Drinks and cake/ minced pies will be served back in the hall with the brass band continuing to be followed by a sing-along from Lost Chord and the bar will be open throughout. The Advertiser has ran a two-page article in this week's paper.

146/23. Thrybergh Parish Council Pantomime December 2023 - The clerk updated the council on plans for the Christmas pantomime with current sales being 71 comprising of 36 adults and 35 children. The usual light refreshments will be available with the children also receiving a small selection box. Full costs to be passed at January meeting.

1162/23. Police Report.

The police statistics for October were distributed and discussed by the council. Statistics for October show 37 incidents for Thrybergh and 743 across Rotherham North.

163/23. Correspondence.

The following items of correspondence were made available to the parish councillors: -

YLCA White Rose Bulletins.

YLCA Law & Governance Bulletin

YLCA Training Programme

NALC Chief Executives’ Bulletins.

Dalton & Thrybergh Neighbourhood News

Letter of thanks from the Marie Curie Nursing Service

Letter of thanks from Mrs L Helliwell

South Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit - December Newsletter

 164/23. Items of Report.

Unfortunately, both Ward Councillors were unavailable to attend our meeting but Councillor Baker-Rodgers has informed the clerk of numerous surgeries and committee meetings she had attended in her Ward Councillor role.
The Clerk Reported that he attended the CAP meeting earlier in the day at Wootton Court along with our Ward Councillors. In general, this year's housing nuisance statistics compare favourable to the same time last year, this refers to noise, rubbish in gardens, neighbour issues etc and the next police statistics will be in January. IT was reported that there are further traffic issues on Doncaster Road, with a car demolishing the wall on Doncaster Road near the Church and a pedestrian had been hit by a vehicle whilst crossing on Doncaster Road. All agencies are now involved and are looking at further traffic calming measures including signage, camera's anti-skid surface etc but all are dependant on funding. Speed watch activities have been reduced due to the bad weather and lack of manpower but should start to be ramped back up in the new year. Continue to investigate. Begging is now diminished at the supermarkets in Dalton due to police action and the closure of Alderside House. The next meeting will be at the Parish Hall on Wednesday 24th January.
The Clerk also attended the RMBC Network Meeting on Wednesday 8th November in Dinnington with issues covered including planning matters Road Safety and Neighbourhood Policing.

165/23. Requested by Councillors and/or AOB.

The two Planning Applications reported during the November meeting RB2023/0952 - applications to install Solar PV panels at Thrybergh Academy and RB2023/0949 - application to install Solar PV panels to the roof at Thrybergh Primary have both been provisionally granted. The clerk outlined planned legislation titled Martyn's Law which comes as a result of the terror bombing at Manchester Arena in 2017. The plans include enhanced security measures for public buildings which will be divided into two categories with the standard tier covering buildings with a capacity from 100 to 799 and an enhanced tier for capacities of 800 and above. We await details on the procedures involved for both tiers with the parish hall falling into the standard tier. The clerk informed Council when further details are revealed but enhanced security features will most certainly be involved which means an increase in costs faced by the parish council.

The neighbourhood co-ordinator for Dalton & Thrybergh has sent details on a programme to support digital enablement for residents which is mainly aimed at local community groups but interested parties can contact the clerk for further information.


166/23. Thrybergh Parish Council Budget for 2024/25

The chair advised the work had begun on the budget for 2024/25 and full details would be given at the January meeting and once we have the details of the Band D level set by RMBC we can then finalise and pass the budget which will be at the February meeting.

167/23. National Joint Council (NJC) Pay Award for 2023/24

The Clerk advised Council on the recent settlement of the 2023/24 pay award for Parish Council clerks which is a national agreement and is backdated to 1st April 2023.

168/23. Accounts for Payment.

The Council considered the schedule of accounts for payment for November.
Mover: Councillor R Thomas
Seconder: Councillor A Martin
Resolved: That the schedule of account for payment be approved and signed by the Chair.

155/23. To Notify The Clerk Of Matters For Inclusion On The Agenda Of The Next Meeting.

No matters were raised.

Date Of Next Meeting

The date of the next parish council meeting will be Thursday 4th January starting at 6:30pm.

Closure of Meeting at 8:17pm.