Meeting Minutes 2022 to 2023

February 2023 - Meeting Minutes

Date:2nd February 2023
Location: Parish Hall, Park Lane, Thrybergh

Present: Councillors G Trickett (Chair), J Parsons, J Chambers, B Shaw,M Senior, R Thomas, N Jackson, K Endicott & T Knapton

Also attending the meeting : Ward Councillor M Bennett-Sylvester.

Apologies for Absence.

Apologies were received from Councillor D Bates and A Martin.

Approval of reason given for absence.

Mover: Councillor R Thomas
Seconder: Councillor J Parsons

Resolved: That Councillor's apologies be accepted by the Parish Council.

Declaration of Interest.

There were no Declarations of Interest.

Questions from the public.

There were no questions from the public.

Minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 1st December 2022.

Mover: Councillor J Chambers
Seconder: Councillor R Thomas

Resolved: That the minutes of the previous meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council, held on Thursday 5th January be approved as a correct record signed by the chairman.

Matters Arising from previous meetings of the Parish Council.

The following matters were discussed:

Vist from Sally Glennon of Lost Cord UK.

Lost Cord is an innovative charity dedicated to improving the quality of life and well-being of those living with dementia using interactive musical stimuli to increase their general awareness and self esteem. The visit from Sally Glennon was to advise ther council on the local activities of the charity and to discuss their involvement in the Centenary Celebrations for the Thrybergh Cenotaph in December 2023. Unfortunately, Sally Glennon was unable to attend this evening and the item will be put on the March agenda.

Matters Arising from Previous Meetings of the Parish Council.

The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III

The Coronation of King Charles III is confirmed for Saturday May 6,2023 at Westminster Abbey and there will be an additional bank holiday on Monday 8th May.We have now booked the children's entertain, Barney Baloney,a sheffield based ventrioloquist,magician and comedian.He will perform from approx.90 minutes including close-up magic walking around the hall.The event will.The event will take place on Monday between 2pm - 5pm.We will play music through the PA allowing the children to dance or run around before and after the perfomance.There will be some party games such as musical chairs,musical statues,pass the parcel etc.Possibly, children could attend wearing red,white and blue clothing and pens and paper will be put out for drawing based on a coronation theme and making and decorating paper corowns. There will also be a small picture quiz for parents and children to complete wth some small prizes to be award during the afternoon.Quiz for parents and children ie pictures on wall for all parties to study during the afternoon then the winners  announced at the end. We will decorate the hall with Union Flags and the clerk will arrange fro some specialised bunting. We will also get a portrait of the King and place it in the parish hall. This will be a free event for the people of Thrybergh but will be ticketed so we know how many Children (and accompanying adults) will attend.
It was also discussed and agreed that we would plant a suitable tree in the area several ptions were discussed by councillors including a Field Maple, Rowan,Oak  or Liquidambar.There was a worry that an Oak would frow to large and that a Rowan would be a better option especially as it is a native tree

 Mover: Councillor R Thomas
Seconder: Councillor J Chambers
Resolved: That a Rowan Tree be purchased and planted close to the Cenotaph.The clerk will revert with full costs at the March meeting.

It was also disscussed that could run in an electic spur from the Cenotaph so that we could put lights on the tree at Christmas and the clerk would revet with costs at the next meeting.

Celebration of the Centenary of the Thrybergh War Memorial

The centenary of the cenotaph is Friday 15th December 2023. There will be a short sevice of dedication at the Cenotaph at 19:30 led by Rev Helen Terry from St Leonards Church  and Fr. Des Sexton from The Immaculate Conception/St Gerards Chuch. Maltby Brass Band will play at the dedication and then will play at 45-miunte concert in the hall to include appropriate military tunes and Christmas themed songs.After the brass band has finished the evening will conculed with seasonal music from the Lost Cord UK which is a community singing society that is currently operating in St Gerard's Church and other halls in the area.
Light refreshments will be available and the parish bar will be open.

The two Unknown Tommy Statues ordered from the Royal British Legion have arrived and will be fitted to the memorial early Autumn so that they are in place for November remembrance service. It is intended that the statues will be lit up at night and the clerk will revert once the costs are known.

Update on Planning Application RC2022/1671

Application to continue car washing activities on Oldgate Lane.The planning application has been granted with coditions by RMBC specifying opening hours, hat no external light be on site, ensure correct drainage to prevent surgracr water run off and the walls the be a natural state or painted cream.

Update on Planning Application RB2022/1637

Application to erect a single storey rear extention at 19 Back Lane

Police Report.

The Crime statistics for Thrybergh in december show 34 incidents and 719 incidents for Rotherham North. The figures were then discussed by the council and it twa through that the catagory of ' Violence and Sexual Offences' was far to general and these crimes needed to be seperated. This will be brought up at the next CAP meeting.
The polce did not attend the January CAP meeting so the council did not have any information on relevant crime incidents in the area. Following discussions with the general publics the police prioiries remain as speeding, off-roaders, drugs and safety of the public.


The following items of correspondence were made available to the parish councillors:
YLCA White Rose Bulletins.
YLCA Training Programme
NALC Chief Executives Bulletins.
Dalton & Thrybergh Neighbourhood Newsletter.
Neighbour hood Newsletter January 2023

Items of Report.

Counillor informed council that he had recently attended ta YLCA Executives meeting and one of the main points was buses and the worry about losing services due to lack of a suitable budget or budget cuts.The meeting also included the South Yorkshire Mayor and further meetings will be held to discuss the matter.Ward Councillor Bennett-Slyvester then added that passenger levels were still very much below pre- Covid levels and this has increased pressures on funding due to falling bus fare incomes.
The clerk attended the Attentended Clerks Liason meeting Tuesday 10th January which was held in the parish hall with the main discussion topic being RMBC customer servies for both internet ,website  and access to No CAP Meeting in December. The next will be held Monday 23rd January in Thrybergh parish hall. 
The clerk also attended the Dalton, Thrybergh & East Herringthorpe CAP Monday 23rd January. Sadly,the police were unable to attend but changes to data reports took place as they are  changing to include various reports including police and ousing data but will only be updated quaterly. Notice has been served on the Fosters site to to secure the site from trespassers. There were discusses on the increasing use of nitrous oxide (especially using catering sized cannisters) with usage across the Borough but especially around the Wooton Court area. New warining signs are to be erected and posters to be distributed in the area.There have been issues with ASB around St Leonard's Avenue and work on this continues.There has been recent fly ipping around Thrybergh including the garages on St Leonards's Avenue identified as a problem area. The next meeting is planned for Monday the 27th February and will be at Dalton Parish Hall.
The clerk will attend Rotherham Data Hub training on Monday 13th February  at 11:00 which is online and will include training on how to access data and how to complete funding bids etc.

Requested by Councillors and/or AOB.

It was advised by the clerk that we ha received the draft school term dates for the 2024/25 academic year. These were made available to councillors to make comments if necessary. No issues or comments raised.
The clerk advise that he had emailed councillors in December about planning application RB2022/1637 relating to a single storey rear extension at 19 Back Lane. This was done as the application came in too late to be discussed at the December meeting and the expiry was before the January meeting. The application was emailed for any councillor comments and no issues were raised. 

The Press and Public where then invited to leave the meeting.


Thrybergh Parish Council Budget for 2023/24

The chair advised we were not working on the budget for 2023/24 and there will be an increase in the required prception due to increased energy and labour costs etc.
Our planned budget is £80,139 with the provisional Band D level advised by RMBC at 920.30 which will mean an increase in precept of 4.7% which is considerably below the level of inflation given the annual increase of £3.91pa (or 333p per month) for Thrybergh households.
The provisional figures from RMBC will be finalised in January and precepts must be advised to RMBC  by 3rd February at the latest so the bdget will be passed at next month's parish council meeting on the 2nd February. Staff pay rates for 2023/24 will be finalised at the March Parish council meeting.

Computer monitor for Parish Hall

A new computer monitor has been purchased for meetings in the Parish Hall.
Mover: Councillor J Chambers
Seconder: Councillor B Shaw

Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish authorise the purchase of a monitor at £140.81 plus VAT.

Accounts for Payment.

The council considered the schedule of accounts for payment December.
Mover: Councillor A Martin
Seconder: Councillor T Knapton

Resolved: That the schedule of accounts for payment be approved and signed by the Chairman.

To notify the Clerk of matters inclusion on the agenda of the next meeting.

A concern was raised about the large quantity of cardboard boxes in the pharmacy on the Park Lane these were obstructing the shop reception, stairwells, etc and considered to be a health & Safety issue and a fire risk. It was requested that the clerk contact Environmental Health to discuss the matter with them so that public safety could be assured.

Date of next meeting

The date of the next parish council meeting will be Thursday 2nd February 2023, starting at 18:30

Closure of meeting at 20:05

Chairman's signature confirming the minutes are accurate