Meeting Minutes 2022 to 2023

April 2023 - Meeting Minutes

Date:6th April 2023
Location: Parish Hall, Park Lane, Thrybergh

Present: - Councillors G Trickett (Chair), A Martin, J Parsons, J Chambers, T Knapton. & Mark Senior
Ward Councillors J Baker-Rodgers

There were no members of the public present.

Apologies For Absence.

Apologies were received from Councillor D Bates & Nicola Jackson,R Thomas,B Shaw & K Endicott

Approval of Reason Given for Absence.

Mover: Councillor A Martin                       Seconder: Councillor J Parson

Resolved: That the councillor's apologies be accepted by the Parish Council.

Declaration Of Interest.

Councillor G Trickett expressed an interest in Agenda item 19 (Hire of Hall Charges).

Questions From The Public.

There were no questions from the public.


Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 2nd February 2023.

Mover: Councillor A Martin              Seconder: Councillor J Parson

Resolved: That the minutes of the previous meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council, held on Thursday 2nd March be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

Matters Arising from Previous Meetings of the Parish Council.

The following matters arising were discussed: -

The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III
The parish council is celebrating the Coronation with a children's party in the parish Hall on Monday 8th May from 2pm to 5pm.This will feature entertainment from entertainer Barney Baloney and there will be party games and usic with refreshments provided free of charge.The parish council has planted a Rowan tree close to the Cenotaph with final costs awaited which will be advised at the May meeting. The clerk is still investigating the possibility of putting in a power outlet so that the tree can have lights fitted at Christmas. If a powerpoint is not suitable then solar lights will be considered. A portait of King Charles III was discussed for the main hall.
Mover: Councillor A Martin                                       Seconder: Councillor T Knapton

Resolved: That a portait of King Charles III (in military uniform) be purchased and plased in the main hall.

Celebration of the Centenary of the Thrybergh War Memorial.
The centenary of the Cenotaph is Friday 15th December 2023 and there will be a short service of dedication at the Cenotaph at 7:30pm led by Rev Helen Terry from St Leonard's Church and Fr. Des Sexton from St Gerard's Church. Malty Brass Band will play at the dedication and then will play a 45-minute concert in the hall to include appropriate military tunes and Christmas themed songs followed by  seasonal music from Lost Chords UK which is a community singing society that is currently operating in St Gerard's Church and other halls in the area. Light refreshments will be available and the parish bar will be open. This has been discussed with the Advertiser and they will feature it closer to the date.

Police Report.

The latest statistics are for January 2023 which show 747 incidents for Rotherham North and 48 for Thrybergh and February at 714 incidents fro Rotherham North and 41 for Thrybergh. A general discussion followed and it was felt that the crim headings were often too broad and needed to be more specific particularly violence and sexual offences. Ward Councillor Barker- Rogers said she would investigate the possibility to fine tune the reported statistics.Further police related items were covered under 'Items of Report'

Nominations for the Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Representatives to the Join Executive Board of the YLCA South Yorkshire Branch.

Mover: Councillor J Parsons                       Seconder: Councillor A Martin

Resolved: That Councillor B Shaw put forward as the nomination from Thrybergh Parish Council as a representative to the Joint Executive Board of the YLCA South Yorkshire Branch.

Vandalism to the Parish Hall Cenotaph.

The Chair and clerk reported that the recently installed unkown Tommy statues fixed to the cenotaph on Wednesday 22nd February have been vandalised by scratching, punching, kicking and bending three times in less than a month. The acts were carried out by local school children and were caught on CCTV. The footage has been viewed by the school head teacher and all offenders have been named and a police incident filed.The police investigation is on-going. The vandalism was reported by the Rotherham Advertiser on 31st March and a news team from the ITV  news programme Calendar visited 3rd April. It was also reported that during filming a car stopped to shout foul and abusive language, a motorcycle came down Park Lane doing a wheely and local children with their parents walked straight through the shot and filming had to be stoped and restarted on each occassion. An offer was made to the head teacher to bring the offenders to the hall so they could be shown the memorial and plaques with the names of the fallen so that we could explain exactly what the Cenotaph commemorates.

Additional CCTV Camera for the Parish Hall

Mover: Councillor J Parsons                                       Seconder: Councillor T Knapton
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council purchase and install an additional CCTV camera from PN alarms at a cost of £340 plus VAT to cover the area in front of the Cenotaph, the benches and the tree planted to celerate the Coronation of King Charles III

Parish Council Pantomime for Christmas 2023.

It was agreed at an earlier meeting to book the pantomime Cinderella to be held in he Parish hall on Saturday 9th December starting at 1:30pm . A Motion is needed to be passed to approve this now that the invoice has been recieved.

Mover: Councillor J Chambers                         Seconder Councillor M Senior

Resolved:  That Thrybergh Parish Council proceed with the pantomime to be starged by Chaplins Panto's on 9th December at a cost of 1125.00 plus VAT


Lighting System for the Parish Hall Stage.

IThe COuncil discussed the provisions of a small lighting rig for the stage for future events includin the upcoming celebrations for the King's Coronation.

Mover: Councillor A Martin                            Seconder: Councillor J Parsons

Resolved: That  Thryberh Parish Council purchase a lighting rig at a cost of £379.00 plus VAT from Gear4Music.

Stone Chippings  around the Parish Hall.

There have been increasing incidents of schoolchildren throwing the limestone chippings which were placed around the hall following the removal of the bushes and ivy.The caretaker has been spending a large part of the morning sweeping up the stones which have been thrown around the car park and Cenotaph area. The area has now been treated with a bonding solvent and quick set concrete topping to ensure the chippings remain in plae. Full costs will be brought to Council when invoices are received.

Resolved: That the Thrybergh Parish Council Rate for Bar Staff be increased to £10.90 per hour and that the rate for the Bar Steward be increased to €13.90 per hour from 1st April2023. All in favour.

Parish Hall Gas Boiler.

The Clerk advised that the boiler was switching off meaning the heating was not working when groups were in the hall. Force contracts inspected the boiler and repairs were made and the heating fans cleaned and serviced.

Mover: Councillor A Martin                         Seconder Councillor M Senior

Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Council approve repairs made by Force Contracts to the heating system at a cost of £811.23 plus VAT

The Bill Winder Cup.

It was reported by the chair that the Bill Winder Cup which is a football tournament for local junior schools had not been held for the last 5 years due to a combination of bad weather and the Covid pandemic. The clerk is now in the process of arranging the Cup competition to be held this year. This would be held at Thrybergh Academy as previously but would now need to be held indoors as ths outside football nets have been vanadalised and are therefore no longer available.The fate for the copetition was discussed and the preferred date was Wednesday 21st June.The Clerk will now contact the sports teacher at the academy.The last winner of the tournament was Fulllerton and the runners up High Greave and the clerk will contact them to arrange the reutn of the trophies medals will be purchased and soft drinks,fruit etc will be served during the afternoon.

Mover: Councillor M Senior                     Seconder: Councillor A Martin


The following items of correspondence were made avaliable to the parish councillors:-
YLCA White Rose Bulletins.
YLCA Training Programme
NALC Cheif Executives Bulletins
Neighbourhood Newsletters for March & April
Civility and Respect Project newsletter
SYP Alrt Dorr to Door Fraud.

Items of Report:

Ward Councillor Barker Rodgers Report:-The recent Thrybergh County Park Discovery Day was an Easter themed event on 3rd April and was very well attended especially from Thrybergh residents with over 200 Easter eggs handed out. A visit was made to Thrybergh Academy to talk about Hate Crimeand present booklets of the subject to students..A full list of Councillors duties were undertaken including surgeries ,Ward Briefings, a session with Bereavement Services and a number of meetings and committess were attended.
Ward Councillor Bennet-Sylvester sent in a written report which was read by the clerk - He also reported on the Thrybegh County Park session and added that the park has seen a spate of vandalism with toilets ,bird hides and bug hotels on Hope Fields all being targeted. The staff have names for those involved and this will be followed up.The Preseident of the Military Community Vetrans Centre who meet in Dalton on a Friday Morning has been offered to provide some veterans to have a chat with the war memorial vandals if it can be arranged.The violence reduction unit funding for Wednesday night football at the sports hall has ended but Rotherham United Community Sports Trust are running a minibus for local youngsters who came along to attend other sessions He attended the Staple Green session for residents affected by the increase in district heating prices and has asked for a review for this and other charges linked to the bungalow complexes regarding their efficiency.Extra white markings are set to be put down on Arran Hill after resident's requests to tavkle anti socail school time parking.
The clerk attended the Dalton Thrybergh & East Herringthorpe CAP Thursday 30th March. Items discussed and covered were that Police advised there is a drug problem across the Borough but particularyly in our Ward whcich includes dealers and users.A number of these are sleeping rough atthe derelict Millside site. They are also begging at Asda and Aldi, they want money for drugs and not food/drinks. They have all been offered help but do not seem to want it and for many it is a lifestyle choice. There was a recent incident with one woman who was found unresponsive which resulted in the air ambulance attending. The site is now uner the ownership f a company in Liverpool and the're keen to lvel the area and either develop or move it on. There is a problem with elect scooters and the police advised that they are illegal and are ot for use on public highways or for use by children as a licence and insurance are required and Police have the powers to seize  scooters. Discussed recent cold caller in Thrubergh alledgedly cecking on wi-fi signal strenght. All cold callers must register intent with the police. If you are uncertain take their badge number and call 101 to verify that they are legitmate. Do not open the door, put a chain on if you have it. The police are now looking at dates for new Speedwatch activities. The farmer has closed the entrance to fields behind St Gerard's Church to stop off-roaders. Reently installed CCTV around Wootton Court has improved securit. The clerk will attend an SLCC meeting on Tuesday the 18th April at Aston Parish Hall, a clerk meeting on MOnday 24th April  at Kiveton Park & Wales Village Hall and online RMBC Emergency Planning meeting on Tuesday 25th April.


Requests by Councillors and/or AOB.

The chair infomred that one of the Parish Council road cleaners/litter pickers has put in his notice with immediate effect. The clerk is currently dealing with this as the letter of resignation was only recieved on the 4th April so further discussions need to be held with the cleaner and with South Yorkshrie Pensions Authority. The resignation was sccepted by coucnil but it was decided to formlly pass this to the May meeting when the Parish Council will consider whether the position is replaced and therefore advertised accordingly.
Councillor Parson asked if the Parish Council would consider Planting a tree in memory of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. This will be put on the Agenda for May.


Hire of Hall Charges for financial Year 2023/2024.

Hall Charges were discussed by the Parish Council. It was discussed that hire charges should remain unchanged for local community users especially given the current economic enviroment. The only letting considered for an increase was the charge to outside agencies which is currently £25 and increase to £30 was considered.

Mover: Councillor A Martin                                        Seconder: Councillor J Parsons
Resolved: That Thrybergh Parish Concil hire charges for 2023/24 remain at the 2022/23 rate except for lettings from outside agencies which are to increase from £25.00 to £30.00.

Accounts for Payment.

The Council consider the schedule of accounts for payment March.
Mover: Councillr J Chambers                                    Seconder:Councillor M Senior
Resolved:That the schedule of accounts for payment be approved and signed by the Chair.

To Notify the Clerk of Matters for Inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting.

The Chair reminded Councillors that the May meeting was the Annual meeting when the Council would be voting on the positions of Chair,Vice-Chair, and Committee Membership.

Date Of Next Meeting

The date of the next parish council meeting will be Thursday 4th April 2023, starting at 6:30pm.

Closure of Meeting at 8:51pm.

Chairman's signature confirming the minutes are accurate