
Annual Parish Meeting - Agenda

The Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting for the Parish of Thrybergh will be at Thrybergh Parish Hall 4th April 2024 at 6.00pm.

Dear Councillor,

You are summoned to attend the next Annual Parish Meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council, to be held on Thursday 4th April starting at 6.00pm in the Parish Hall, Park Lane, Thrybergh.   

Yours Faithfully

Councillor G Trickett

Chairman of Thrybergh Parish Council

Dated 25th March 20

Such persons only as are registered as local government electors for the parish will be entitled to vote at the meeting, but the meeting will be open to the public during the proceedings unless the Parish Meeting by resolution otherwise direct.

The press and public are invited to attend this meeting.


The business to be transacted at the Meeting will be as follows:-

1. Minutes of the 2023 Annual Assembly.

2. Chairman's Report, Year 2023/2024.

3. Parish Accounts, Year 2022/23.

4. Any Other Business.

Closure of meeting.