
July 2023 - Agenda

Thrybergh Parish Council

Meeting of Thrybergh Parish Concil to be held on Thursday 6th July 2023, This will be held in the Parish Hall, Park Lane, Thrybergh starting at 6:30pm.

The press and public are invited to attend this meeting.

Dear Councillor, 

You are summoned to attend the next meeting of Thrybergh Parish Council, to be held on Thursday 6th July 2023 starting at 6:30pm  in the 
Parish Hall, Park Lane, Thrybergh.

Yours faithfully
Terry Craven
Clerk to the Council


1.To receive apologies for absence given in advance of the meeting.

2.To consider the approval of reasons given for absence.

3.Delceration of interests

To recieve any declerations of interests not already declared under the council's code of conduct or members
Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

4.Questions from the public

This is a public session; members of the public will adhere to the rules set by the council for this session. Thirty minutes are allowed
to raise and ask questions of the Parish Council.

5.Minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 1st June 2023.

To approve the minutes as a correct record for signature by the chairman.

6.Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting (Annual Assembly) held on Thursday 6th April 2023.

To approve the minutes as a correct record, for signature by the Chairman.

7. Thrybergh Country Park

Vist from Kevin Burke to update the Parish Council on plans at the Country Park.

8. Matters Arising 

To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further actions where necessary.

The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III. 

To finalise details of the plaque for the Rowan Tree planted as part of the Parish Council celebrations.

Women's Self-Defence class.

To update the council on the proposal to hold a Self-Defence class for women in the hall

Planning Application RB2022/0562.

Update on the application to increase car parking at Deer Park Farm.

Planning Application RB2022/0534.

Update on the application to build a garage and link extention at 177C Doncaster Road.

Planning Application RB2022/0462.

Update on the application to build a two storey side and rear extention,formation of rooms in roof space with dormer window to rear and single storey link extention at Grafton 140 Doncaster Road.

New Union Flag for the Parish Hall.

Now purchased and delivered to the Parish Hall.

9. Police report 

To update the council on the latest crime statistics

10.Proposed New Building Developement on Fosters Site and attached Green Belt Land

To discuss the proposed development.

11. Planning Applications for Deer Park Farm

RB2023/0827 - To consider and discss planning appliactions to change use of storage buildings to dell shop.

RB2023/0829 - To consider and discuss planning application to change the use of buildings to retail/antiques emporium unit.

RB2023/0830 - To consider and discuss planning application to change the use to a retail unit with a portion of warehousing and store use.

12. Planning Application RB2023/0743

To consider and discuss planning application to erect two storey extention, first/second floor extention, detached outbuilding and alteration to car park to Alexandra Nursing Home on Doncaster Road.

13. Renewal of Insurance Policy with Zurich Municipal

To pass the renewl of the insurance policy for 2023/24 held with Zurich Municipal.

14. Lost Chord UK

To discuss a request for subsided sessions to be held at the Parish Hall.

15. Grant Request from Yorkshire Air Ambulance

To consider a request for a grant towads operation costs for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

16. Grant requests from Thrybergh Primary School

To consider a request for a grant from Thrybergh Primary School for a grant for new playground markings.

17. New Kitchen Mugs

To pass invoice for new kitchen mugs purchased for the Parish Kitchen.

18. New Radiator for Cleaning Room

To advise the Parish Council on a new radiator for the cleaning radiator.

19.Vandalism to Silverwood Colliery Wheel

To inform the Parish Counil on recent vandalism  to the Silverwood Colliery Wheel on Hollings Lane.

20. Damage to Parish Hall Path

To inform the council on the damage to the Parish Hall and repairs undertaken.

21.RMBC Civility & Respect Pledge

To discuss new policy documents put forward by NALC supported by RMBC.

22. Correspondence

To consider the following new Correspondence received and decide actions where necessary,

22.1 -YLCA White Rose Bulletins.
22.2 - YLCA Training Bulletin
22.3 - NALC Chief Executive's Bulletin.
22.4 -Dalton & Thrybergh Neighbourhood News
22.5 - Sout Yokshire Violence Reduction Unit - Spotlight on Safter South Yorkshire - Issue 15.

23. Items of Report

To receive, consider and decide upon any items of report.

24. Matters Requested by Councillors and/or AOB

Press and public to leave the meeting.

25.Hall Secretary Expenses

To review and discuss the Hall Secretary annual expenses.

26.Appointment of New Litter Picker

To discuss applicant for the position as recommended by the staffing committee.

27. Accounts for Payment

To consider and approve accounts for payment June.

29. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting

Thursday 7th September 2023 starting at 6:30pm.